Friday, November 27, 2015

Too Busy Not To Use Social Media - Publishing Companies in Alabama

Too Busy Not To Use Social Media
Nate Fortner


As a business owner, I understand we are busy all day engaging with others, working on contracts, and promoting current products. “33% of small-business owners reported working more than 50 hours per week, while an additional 25% said they work more than 60 hours a week,” according to a poll of readers of the New York Enterprise Report. April 13, 2016.

In an article written by Ted O’ Calahan on, Ted notes that, According to, “The latest Wells Fargo/Gallup Small Business Index finds that small business owners today work an average of 52 hours per week. The majority, 57% work six days a week and more than 20% work all seven days.”

In an article published by The Washington Post, Jeana McGregor writes in a report released by Gallup, “the average time worked by a full-time employee has ticked up to 46.7 hours per week.” The fact is, we all work crazy hours each week, but are we doing all we can to make every sale possible? Are we satisfied with our current results? Are we too busy to use social media?

Do you use social media to promote your business? Are you tweeting, blogging, or publishing videos on YouTube? If so, awesome! If not, you’re losing money and missing out on the opportunity to become omnipresent. People must know you exist! Don’t leave money on the table.

My Editor called me one day and said,” I’ve just discovered a website that’s going to help us grow the company.” She went on to tell me about a website called She said that we could schedule our company’s tweets on Twitter, and that would definitely free me up about an hour per day. This website made it possible for me to free up approximately 7 hours per week of my time. A few weeks later, she called me excited about yet another website she discovered called This website really got me excited! was great in the fact that it allowed me to schedule my posts, but if I wanted a post to go out every day, I had to manually schedule it for each day. This took a little time to accomplish, but the site is free to use. On the other hand, comes with a monthly charge, but once you schedule a post, you’re done. I love the fact that Tweet Jukebox allows me to schedule the same post every five hours, whereas Tweetdeck is only once per day.

I’m also uploading a new video constantly on YouTube. Right now, I have my articles, Tweets, Facebook Posts, and YouTube videos all scheduled for the first quarter of next year. Look at all the time I’ve freed up for myself. Come the first of the year, the only thing I’ll have to do is be on the phone, knocking on doors, and banking some serious cash. We’re too bust not to be using social media!

On how many social media sites do you currently have a presence? Check out the link below for a list of social media sites you probably didn’t know existed.
(Click Here for 26 Social Media Sites)

Nate Fortner, Author of "Success Requires Action"                                                         

Other titles by Nate Fortner
“Book Marketing In the 21stCentury,” and How To Be A Successful Writer Overnight.”

Subscribe To Be Notified of New Posts!

Whosoever Press - Publishing Companies in Alabama
P.O. Box 1513
Boaz, AL. 35957


Friday, November 20, 2015

Recording Radio Interviews - Publishing Companies in Alabama

Recording Radio Interviews

Nate Fortner Boaz Alabama, So, you’ve landed a radio interview huh? Well, congratulations on your achievement. I’m sure you worked hard to get the interview. I just need to tell you a few things that will help you in the future.

Be sure when you go in to the station, you ask if they will be recording the interview. If so, you want a copy burned on a disc or an email sent to you with the entire interview. Be prepared by taking an audio recorder with you just in case. Be sure to ask permission to record the interview though. I’ve never been told that I wasn’t allowed to record the interview, so try. The really awesome thing is, most cell phones now have built in recorders.

You want a copy of the interview to place on your website. Put this audio into a YouTube video as well. You need this interview, so you can start getting it circulating around the internet. This is another piece of content you can use to help people discover you!

Radio interviews give you credibility. Being heard on radio by family and friends almost gives you the local celebrity status. You become a local celebrity, and then build on that. Again, make sure that you obtain a copy of the interview from the station, or record it on your phone. You could also take the audio and upload it as a podcast on your website or itunes. Remember, you must think in terms of global proportions. You must become Omnipresent! A radio interview will instantly give you credibility as a reliable resource. Make sure you are scheduling interviews as often as possible, so you can continue to reach new people.


“Dreams just don’t come true, they are the product of a ton of hard work and dedication to achieve what others have already given up on.”

~Nate Fortner

 Hear a recorded interview that we made into a YouTube Video - Click Here

#RadioInterview #AuthorInterview

Whosoever Press - Publishing Companies in Alabama
P.O. Box 1513
Boaz, AL. 35957

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Coffee Sleeve Marketing - Advertising

Coffee Sleeve Marketing

Nate Fortner

 Put a Little Caffeine in Your Advertising Efforts

The average person will take at least 20 to 30 minutes to drink their morning cup of Joe, so why not put your message directly into their hands?

Literally! Boaz Alabama, Coffee Sleeve Marketing is a great way to provide your customers with information about upcoming sales or provide a coupon. in Boaz, AL. is a Publishing Company that I own. Not only do we publish writers, but we provide different services to our community as well. One of those services is to our local coffee shop called Jamoka’s Coffee Company. We provide them with their coffee sleeves, and we do it totally free.

So, here’s how it started! As a Publisher working with mainly low-income or never before published authors, I had to develop creative ways for them to promote their books. I was sitting in Jamoka’s Coffee Shop here in Boaz, AL. one day when I noticed their coffee sleeve was think and had a green leaf on it for some reason. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why they didn’t have their logo on there. In my mind, I thought, “You guys need to be building your brand.” I spoke with the owner that day and asked, “If I could provide you with free coffee sleeves with your logo on the front, would you use them?” She immediately agreed. Now, I just had to figure out how I was going to make it happen.

My original thought was to promote my authors’ new titles on the back, but quickly became so hot among local businesses that they were calling me wanting to advertise on the back of my sleeves too! Needless to say, Jamoka’s Coffee Company has received approximately 30,000 free coffee sleeves this year, saving them some serious cash!

Not only did they start to brand themselves with their logo on every sleeve, but the local economy was boosted as well, by cross-promoting local businesses on their sleeves. Honestly, it’s helped to make my bank account “a latte” happier!  Coffee Sleeve Marketing is a win-win for everyone involved.

Nate Fortner, Owner of, Author of “BookMarketing in the 21st Century,” and “How to Be a Successful Writer Overnight.”


Why not try this in your town? Need to order customized coffee sleeves?

Call 256-706-3315 or VISIT:

#Coffeesleeves #Marketing #Business #Entrepreneur

Whosoever Press - Advertising
P.O. Box 1513
Boaz, AL. 35957

Sunday, November 15, 2015

26 Social Media Platforms You Should Be Using - Publishing Companies in Alabama

26 Social Media Platforms You               Should Be Using

Nate Fortner


1.     Facebook

2.     Twitter

3.     LinkedIn

4.     YouTube

5.     Vimeo

6.     Pinterest

7.     Instagram

8.     Blogger

9.     Google Plus

10.  Heaven Up

11.  Tumblr
12.  VK

13.  Flickr

14.  Vine

15. Meetup

16. Tagged


18. Meetme

19. Classmates

20.  Xing

21. Renten

22. Snapchat

23. Twoo

24. Although this isn’t necessarily a social platform, there are currently 139 million active users and 67 million reviews according to

25. Reddit

26. Swarm

Whosoever Press - Publishing Companies in Alabama
P.O. Box 1513
Boaz, AL. 35957

Friday, November 13, 2015

Starbucks Says "No More Prancing Reindeer on our #RedCup!" - Publishing Companies in Alabama

Starbucks Says “NO More Prancing Reindeer on our #RedCup!”

 Nate Fortner

     So, I’m sure by now that you’ve heard all the saga over the Starbucks #redcup. Howard Shultz, Chairman and CEO of Starbucks recently made the decision to not have holiday references on their cups for the Christmas season. Instead, they would go with a simple #redcup. Previous holiday cups portrayed images of prancing reindeer, and other winter characters such as snowmen. It has outraged many of their customers to make such claims that “Starbucks hates Christians,” or that “Starbucks has banned Christmas.” One I even heard was, “Starbucks hates Jesus.” Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump even suggested boycotting Starbucks over the cups. Later, a Starbucks representative stated that they offer a Christmas blend that is available in stores around the world.
     Even though we live in America, and Christmas is a major part of our culture, I find it funny that people would expect a Jewish-owned company to have Jesus printed on their cups. Did Starbucks ever have literal Christmas images displayed on their cups to begin with anyway? Snowmen aren’t symbolic to Christmas. They’re a winter fictional character made popular by Jack Rollins and Steve Nelson in the 1950’s when they wrote “Frosty the Snowman,” and Gene Autry and the Cass Country Boys released it to radio. On the other hand, if you choose not to support the #redcup, one thing’s for sure. Dunkin’ Donuts has risen to the occasion stating that they will gladly continue printing holiday cups. Regardless of what any of us may think, maybe it's just a marketing ploy. This may prove to be a huge money maker for the coffee giant. This is brilliant marketing!
     While the country many be in despair over the #redcup, one thing still holds true here on Sand Mountain. Jamoka’s Coffee Company has been proudly serving our community since 2005. Now with three locations: Boaz, Albertville, and Guntersville. Stop in today and get a latte of holiday drink choices, and remember, #ItsJustACup!
Merry Christmas!

Nate Fortner, Owner of and Author of “Teaching Christians to Pray the Bible Way.”

Whosoever Press - Publishing Companies in Alabama
P.O. Box 1513
Boaz, AL. 35957

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Battle Plan - Publishing Companies in Alabama

The Battle Plan

Nate Fortner

Photo Provided by : Boaz Alabama, Successful people are problem-solvers! Everyone has some type of a problem, and you need to be the solution. What talent or ability do you possess that you could use to help others succeed? What problem have you recently faced that you overcame? This could be a clue what to write about in your next book. You had a problem, but successfully overcame the battle as a victor. I guarantee you someone else is currently, or will in the future face that same uphill battle. Rise to the occasion, and be the resource they use to climb the mountains they face in their own lives.

How could you possibly contribute to someone this upcoming week?

In life, you will be remembered for one of two things. Will you be a problem or a problem-solver? Have you ever asked yourself what problem your book solves for the reader? If you’re a Christian author, your book solves faith problems. If you’re a business owner, your book needs to solve business problems. If you’re a fitness instructor, your book should solve health problems. If you’re a romance author, your book should solve love problems. I could give you examples all day long. Try to put yourself into the shoes of your readers. Are your readers stay-at-home moms, business CEO’S, or the local mailman? What do they want to know? What do you know that would make their jobs easier? What could you do as a writer to solve a problem in their life?

Be the answer to a problem!

#ProblemSolver #Writers #Entrepreneur #Success

Whosoever Press - Publishing Companies in Alabama
P.O. Box 1513
Boaz, AL. 35957

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Without Faith In Yourself - Publishing Companies in Alabama

Without Faith In Yourself ….

Nate Fortner


As a writer, you must believe in yourself! Regardless of what you may think, you are the mitochondria or powerhouse that will engage readers, pushing them to buy your book. Your publisher can’t make people buy your book. The publisher will do exactly as his/her title suggests; publish your book! Most publishers will also handle getting your book into distribution and collect your royalties for you. Let me say it again. Your publisher cannot dedicate countless hours and thousands of dollars to just one book. Some publishers will perhaps, but they all won’t.

As an author, it is your responsibility and duty to build your platform. No publisher can do that for you. Even if a publisher could build your platform, would you be able to operate and perform on that stage? I’ll also say this, it would be completely unfair to the author if the publisher tried to build each author’s platform. We aren’t as passionate about your topic as you are! Doctors have the passion to heal; lawyers live to promote the law; authors live to write; singers live to sing and publishers publish! If you need help promoting your book, check out provided by

If you’re going to write a book, you won’t get rich and famous overnight! Overnight success is achieved by taking small steps over years of hard work. You need to invest in yourself by reading books on promotion and marketing like, “Book Marketing in the 21stCentury"(Click to By) by Nate Fortner to start. Get a copy of “How To Be A Successful Writer Overnight”(Click to Buy). It is also another title by Nate Fortner that should interest you. Although, these two Kindle books may be for beginners, well-seasoned authors shouldn’t count them out. These would be great resources to remember the basics.


College Education is now FREE worldwide! It’s called YouTube! I’m telling you, when I moved to Alabama, I dropped out of college, and I’ve learned more on YouTube than I ever did sitting in class! If you plan on being a successful writer, it’s time to focus and get committed.

I’m Nate Fortner, and I’ve written more than seven books to date, and I’m also a Country Christian Recording Artist. I travel the country all year long speaking to groups of authors, and performing concerts to thousands. However, right now you’re probably thinking, “I’ve never heard of you before now.”  You’re absolutely correct, and if I hadn’t taken the initiative to write this, you may still not know who I am! Most people who attain celebrity status do it over a period of 10-20 years. As depressing as this may be, the important thing to remember is, they never gave up! They may have gotten knocked down, but they got back up! They kept pushing, and now they’re freakin celebrities! I won’t say who, but I have many celebrity friends who will tell you the same thing. Stay focused, get committed, and do whatever it takes. If you ever plan on making a difference in this world, you better get serious because you only live once! Watch out because Nate Fortner will be a household name in the next 20 years!

Whosoever Press - Publishing Companies in Alabama
P.O. Box 1513
Boaz, AL. 35957

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Don't Disrepect Your Publisher - Publishing Companies in Alabama

Don’t Disrespect Your Publisher

Nate Fortner


     When I published my first book “Teaching Christians to Pray the Bible Way,” I had published with a well-known publisher. It was such an exciting experience and I felt a great sense of accomplishment. I had accomplished at 24 years old, what many only achieve after a lifetime. After just a few short months, I was very unhappy with the results I had gotten. I called my publisher and asked that they remove me from their database as an author. I decided I was going to start my own company and help authors to keep from going through what I did. Needless to say, I did start my own company, and I’ve just hit my three year anniversary. I will tell you, I have dealt with some crazy people. One particular author, who I won’t name, would constantly text and call my phone harassing me, wanting to know why her book wasn’t selling. She would text hateful messages to my phone wanting to know when she would be receiving her royalty check. “I know my book’s good, and people will buy it if you’d just promote it like you’re supposed to do!” she demanded. Can you guess why she didn’t receive a royalty check? The answer is simple! Her book was still in the editing process! The book wasn’t even close to being finished yet, and this woman was harassing me and my Editor like crazy. Later, I found out that she had befriended my Editor, and my Editor, out of the kindness of her heart, paid money over the phone to a Drug Store to pay for this woman’s prescription medication! My Editor is an amazing woman, but I didn’t know she had done this until after the fact. Then the old woman still bit the hand that fed her. What a dog!

Once her book was published, I scheduled her for a couple book signings here in town, and afterward, the bookstore owners begged me not to bring her back for another event. At one point, this author called my Editor and told her that if I would focus my attention on promoting her book instead of my own and the other authors, she could make some money. Let me just tell you, if this is the attitude you have toward your publisher, be prepared to get dropped! Once I completed her book, I put it out into the market place, and believe it or not, it was starting to pick up momentum. She was even getting some really awesome reviews, and she was excited. I was so happy knowing that maybe now we would work together peaceably. I was so terribly wrong! Just a few days later, my Editor called me, and I could tell by the tone of her voice that she was not very happy! This author had begun texting and harassing her again. Now, it had just went too far, because stores around town were calling and asking if I was still representing her. She had started going to stores around town slandering me and my company.

The moral of the story is NEVER publicly harass your publisher simply because he/she isn’t moving fast as you think he/she should. This work typically takes 18 months, and we do it in 8. We work very hard to make our authors look great! I ended up dropping her, and cut all ties. She was too much to handle. What makes this even worse, is I never even charged this ungrateful woman the first dollar. I invested $1,500.00 of my own money into her book! I believe in helping people, and this woman simply had no money, but my Editor believed so strongly that her book would become a Best Seller. This woman was such a great writer that my Editor had me so excited to invest my own $1,500.00 into someone else’s work.

About a year later, I received a call from another publisher asking if I knew about a very hateful old woman who evidently I had published at some point. I said, “Let me guess, her name was ******* *******?” “Yep, that’s her!” he said. She had entered his office harassing me and my company saying how badly we treated her. I told him to stay away from the woman because she’s trouble. He told me that he had no intention of publishing her writing simply because she came in speaking so badly of me and my company.

Obviously, I’m sure there may be some bad publishers out there, but I’ve not met one yet. Make sure before you publish with any publisher that you completely understand the contract. All publishers don’t offer the same services. Your publisher can’t make people buy your book, and your publisher probably won’t promote your title. They’re also not going to serve as your agent! If you have a poor attitude, you won’t get anywhere!


The main point is this!

Don’t disrespect your Publisher, we speak among ourselves and you’ll never get published!



Nate Fortner, Author of, “Book Marketing in the 21st Century,” and “How To Be A Successful Writer Overnight.”

Whosoever Press - Publishing Companies in Alabama
P.O. Box 1513
Boaz, AL. 35957


Monday, November 2, 2015

King David's 5 Stones of Business Success (2018)

Biblical Marketing For Small Business        in 2018

Nate Fortner      Last Updated 9/1/2018

Many times, we forget that growing a successful business requires hard work. Business success isn’t free, nor does it come cheap. You may not have the wisdom of King Solomon, or the good looks of King David, but one thing you must have is a determination to succeed. Most of us are familiar with the Biblical story of David and Goliath. David had just been anointed by the Prophet Samuel to be King over Israel. God was no longer pleased with King Saul as the leader over His people.  

The stones David picked from the brook, were weapons to take down the obstacle. David chose five stones, but he only needed one. In business, you will face obstacles from time to time. The forgotten four stones are the weapons you will use to rid your business of Goliath's in your path. The biggest Goliath you will face in business will be Obscurity. Although David only needed one stone, we’ll be using the four forgotten stones as well.

Jesse, who was David’s Father, one day asked him to take some food to David’s brothers who were fighting in battle against the Philistines. When David arrived, he was astonished to find the Israelite army cowering in fear, afraid of Goliath. Goliath was a giant in the land who was cussing the God of the Israelites, full of pride and ready to fight.

When the young boy David saw what was going on, he questioned the faith of the Israelite soldiers. After a meeting with King Saul, David went to the brook, picked up five round smooth stones, and marched into the valley. David yelled, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that defiles the name of the Lord God of Israel?” Goliath, the giant, mocked David and made fun of him. David had an obstacle in front of him, but determination and faith in God charged his spiritual battery, and he found himself running toward Goliath.

Maybe today you’re facing a Goliath-sized problem in your business, and you need a David to remove the giant.

What Do the Five Stones Represent?

Stone#1: Product

Stone#2: Marketing & Promotion

Stone#3: Branding

Stone#4: Omnipresence

Stone#5: Teamwork

Stone#1 (Product) – Product is a given. It’s the product or service you provide to the consumer. Stone #2-#3 are the means by which you sling stone #1. Stone #4-#5 are how you kill the Goliath of obscurity. Without stones #2-#5 you will never kill Goliath.   

Stone#2 (Marketing & Promoting)

Marketing – The action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.

Promotion – To further the progress of something, especially a cause, venture, or aim; support or actively encourage.

What was David Marketing & Promoting?

By faith in God, he was marketing victory. “We can defeat this uncircumcised Philistine!” By one courageous act, he promoted freedom. “This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you.”

Stone#3 (Branding)

Branding - According to Entrepreneur Magazine, Branding is the marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiates a product from other products.

What was David Branding?

While the armies of Israel branded themselves as cowards, afraid to fight Goliath, David branded himself as courageous, fully relying on God. Not one ounce of doubt could be found in him. He even refused King Saul’s armor.

Stone#4 (Omnipresence)

Omnipresence – Present everywhere at the same time. Widely or constantly encountered; common or widespread.

How was David Omnipresent?

David went on to fight and win many battles across the land. Everywhere he marched, he was victorious. He was persistent and consistent. Everyone everywhere knew David as a mighty man of God who would conquer and destroy any enemy who dared tempt the God of Jacob.

Stone#5 (Teamwork)

Teamwork – the combined action of a group of people, especially when effective and efficient.

How did David engage in Teamwork?

The day David killed Goliath, he ran down the mountain into the valley with his sling and took Goliath out before he even knew he had been hit! It only took one stone to kill the giant, but David had four more. Many believe it was because David was prepared incase Goliath’s four brothers showed up to challenge him. However, once David took out Goliath, the Philistine soldiers began to flee. Then, the Israelite army pursued them, killing all they could find. By no stretch of the imagination, would the young boy David have been capable of chasing and killing the Philistine army with only four stones, but because of teamwork, he didn’t have too!

So, now that we’ve gone over the Four Forgotten Stones of business, have you figured out what David’s product was?

What was David’s Product?

King Saul had lost favor with God, and so God was positioning David to reign as King, moving him from the field to the palace. David would soon take over the throne. Like all great leaders, David showed confidence, faith, courage, strength, and trust in God. David became King in 1010 BC.

Who would have thought that we could learn so much about growing a business from a Bible story we read to our children before bedtime? If you follow the business model of David, I truly believe that you will position yourself to reign in the market place.

“Success is only in the sling of the one willing to aim high enough.”

~Nate Fortner
Nate Fortner, Author of, "Success Requires Action"


10749 AL HWY 168
Boaz, AL. 35957