Sunday, August 5, 2018

Whosoever Press // Book Publishing Companies // Why Choose and Independent Publishing Company Instead of Createspace? Publishing Companies in Alabama (2018)

Why Choose an Independent Publishing Company Instead of Createspace?

Obviously, the publishing industry is changing. I remember growing up as a child in school, and when an author would come read to us, it was a well-known famous author. Those memories are still embedded in my mind like a scene from a good movie. A couple years back, I published a video on my YouTube Channel titled, “I’m Outraged at Self-Publishing Companies. I gave great information in the video, but I ripped off on how there were so many Vanity Press’ taking advantage of people. The video didn’t go viral by no means, but it definitely received a ton of attention. Many of the comments were screaming that I was another Vanity Press, while those who truly valued what I was saying wanted to know more information about my company. So, that got me thinking. Why would an author choose to pay an Independent Publishing Company to print and distribute their book, when the author could just go with Createspace? It would seem that the obvious answer would be Createspace or a similar online print on demand company.
Everyone has an opinion, and they are really good at voicing their opinions, especially when they are negative and disrespectful. Some will shout Vanity Press from the rooftops over a company taking money to publish a book. I’m still in awe that they think it should be free. You can’t go to the grocery store and demand free groceries just because you have an opinion. So what and who cares if your book was a failure? That doesn’t give you the right to discredit others and try to impose your negativity on them. The problem as I see it unfolding is that these naysayers are the ones who were too lazy to build their platforms, and when their books were discontinued, they blamed their publisher. Now that may or may not be the case, but before they start giving their opinions, I would like to see their royalty statements, their marketing plans and their events calendar. They are quick to point and judge, but when it comes down to producing real results, they have nothing to show except their loud mouth and disrespectful comments.
So why would a writer choose to pay to publish with an Independent Publisher vs. going with Createspace? The answer is truly simple. In today’s world of self-publishing, you really don’t need a publisher if…. The “if” is huge. If you have an established platform reaching to millions. If you know how to advertise and understand the techniques of proper marketing and branding. If you have a plan for distributing your book beyond your local bookstore. Of course Createspace will get you registered with Books A Million and Barnes and Noble, but they can’t get your book on the shelf; a publisher can! If you are an established author like Jk Rowling or Stephen King, then you could self-publish based simply on your name. The bare naked truth is if you aren’t someone like C.S. Lewis, Emily Dickinson, JK Rowling or Emily Dickinson, you need someone who can get you some attention. The reason you would choose to pay a publisher in today’s publishing industry is because of their contacts. The contacts of the publisher are what you want. You want to see what kind of memberships they have that will allow you discounts on products or services you are using. A publisher, in most cases has worked hard to grow their company, and along the way, developed many nice contacts in the music industry as well as the film industry. At least we have here at Whosoever Press. Many of our authors have been recognized on national radio and television show, and even one of our authors has made it to CNN news.
Back in 2013, we started working with Desert Wind Studios marketing a film they were working on at the time. Because of the work of Whosoever Press, when the film Premiered, it also premiered here in our local theatre. It was a wonderful experience because it opened a door for our authors to get their books in front of Movie Producers like Steven Camp and Josh Mills. The film Brothers Keeper featured actors and actresses like Daniel Samonas, Robin Lively, Country Music Singer Travis Tritt and so many more. This is why you would choose to pay to have an Independent Publishing Company like Whosoever Press publish your book instead of an online print on demand company.
Do your research and make sure you pay for connections, not necessarily just to be published.   

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