Without Faith In Yourself ….
As a writer, you must believe in yourself! Regardless of what
you may think, you are the mitochondria or powerhouse that will engage readers,
pushing them to buy your book. Your publisher can’t make people buy your book.
The publisher will do exactly as his/her title suggests; publish your book! Most
publishers will also handle getting your book into distribution and collect
your royalties for you. Let me say it again. Your publisher cannot dedicate
countless hours and thousands of dollars to just one book. Some publishers will
perhaps, but they all won’t.
As an author, it is your responsibility and duty to build
your platform. No publisher can do that for you. Even if a publisher could
build your platform, would you be able to operate and perform on that stage?
I’ll also say this, it would be completely unfair to the author if the publisher
tried to build each author’s platform. We aren’t as passionate about your topic
as you are! Doctors have the passion to heal; lawyers live to promote the law; authors
live to write; singers live to sing and publishers publish! If you need help
promoting your book, check out http://thebookpromoter.com provided by http://BooksGoSocial.com
If you’re going to write a book, you won’t get rich and
famous overnight! Overnight success is achieved by taking small steps over
years of hard work. You need to invest in yourself by reading books on
promotion and marketing like, “Book Marketing in the 21stCentury"(Click to By) by Nate Fortner to start. Get a copy of “How To Be A Successful Writer Overnight”(Click to Buy). It is also another title by Nate Fortner that should
interest you. Although, these two Kindle books may be for beginners,
well-seasoned authors shouldn’t count them out. These would be great resources
to remember the basics.
College Education is now FREE
worldwide! It’s called YouTube! I’m telling you, when I moved to Alabama, I
dropped out of college, and I’ve learned more on YouTube than I ever did
sitting in class! If you plan on being a successful writer, it’s time to focus
and get committed.
I’m Nate Fortner, and I’ve written more than seven books to
date, and I’m also a Country Christian Recording Artist. I travel the country
all year long speaking to groups of authors, and performing concerts to
thousands. However, right now you’re probably thinking, “I’ve never heard of you before now.” You’re absolutely correct, and if I hadn’t
taken the initiative to write this, you may still not know who I am! Most
people who attain celebrity status do it over a period of 10-20 years. As
depressing as this may be, the important thing to remember is, they never gave
up! They may have gotten knocked down, but they got back up! They kept pushing,
and now they’re freakin celebrities! I won’t say who, but I have many celebrity
friends who will tell you the same thing. Stay focused, get committed, and do
whatever it takes. If you ever plan on making a difference in this world, you
better get serious because you only live once! Watch out because Nate Fortner
will be a household name in the next 20 years!
Nate Fortner, Author of “Book Marketing in the 21stCentury,” and “How To Be A Successful Writer Overnight.”
P.O. Box 1513
Boaz, AL. 35957

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