The Battle Plan Boaz Alabama, Successful people are problem-solvers! Everyone has some type
of a problem, and you need to be the solution. What talent or ability do you
possess that you could use to help others succeed? What problem have you
recently faced that you overcame? This could be a clue what to write about in
your next book. You had a problem, but successfully overcame the battle as a victor.
I guarantee you someone else is currently, or will in the future face that same
uphill battle. Rise to the occasion, and be the resource they use to climb the
mountains they face in their own lives.
How could you possibly
contribute to someone this upcoming week?
In life, you will be remembered for one of two things. Will
you be a problem or a problem-solver? Have you ever asked yourself what problem
your book solves for the reader? If you’re a Christian author, your book solves
faith problems. If you’re a business owner, your book needs to solve business
problems. If you’re a fitness instructor, your book should solve health
problems. If you’re a romance author, your book should solve love problems. I
could give you examples all day long. Try to put yourself into the shoes of
your readers. Are your readers stay-at-home moms, business CEO’S, or the local
mailman? What do they want to know? What do you know that would make their jobs
easier? What could you do as a writer to solve a problem in their life?
Be the answer to a problem!
Nate Fortner, Author of “Book Marketing In the 21stCentury,” and “How To Be A Successful Writer Overnight.”
#ProblemSolver #Writers #Entrepreneur #Success
Whosoever Press - Publishing Companies in Alabama
P.O. Box 1513
Boaz, AL. 35957
#ProblemSolver #Writers #Entrepreneur #Success
Whosoever Press - Publishing Companies in Alabama
P.O. Box 1513
Boaz, AL. 35957

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