Friday, October 30, 2015

The Making of a #1 Best Seller

The Making of a #1 Best Seller

Nate Fortner


Have you ever wondered how to make your book a #1 Best Seller? The answer is simple, but the process you choose to make it happen may not be so simple. The answer to making any book a #1 Best Seller is to have books flying off of the shelves. Sounds easy enough don’t you think? You must be getting a ton of attention. You need to make sure your book is getting distribution, and then, people must know your book exists.

Writing your book was the easy part. Selling it is the hard part. Make sure to get as much publicity as possible. Learn to become omnipresent, and push for celebrity status in your town. Once you’ve established yourself as a local celebrity, start expanding your reach. If you ever expect your book to take off and be a success, you must get attention.

Marketing is going to require you to be creative. You must stand out, or at least a head taller than everyone else. You need a mob rushing into bookstores nationwide buying your books when they release. You can read any book on marketing and advertising that you want, but I assure you, they will all tell you the same thing. Your message must constantly be in the sight and mind of your target market.

Go ahead and tear down the walls of doubt, and get committed to success! Marketing and promoting your book is like eating. You have to do it every day if you want to gain energy. Pour your heart into it. There is no marketing miracle cure. There is no secret to selling millions of copies instantaneously. You must live to market, and market to win! “Word of Mouth” will never make you a #1 Best Seller! “Word of Mouth” and “Getting Attention” are almost the same, but they’re not. “Word of Mouth” means people are talking about you. “Getting Attention” is putting your message into their face whether they want to see it or not. “Word of Mouth,” can also hurt you. It just takes one bad egg to ruin the bunch. Make sure you are creating the buzz you want people to know about your book. You need to push hard every day!

You must sell people on the idea that your book will solve the problems they are currently facing in their lives, business, etc. It’s time to leave your mark on this planet. Make sure people know who you are, even if it requires you standing on the street with a cardboard sign saying you’ll read for $1.00. You must make a commitment to live a life dedicated to making sure your book sits on every coffee table, is in every doctor’s office, is in every hotel room, and every prisoner has read your book. You want people chanting your name in the streets and from the roof tops. You must be purpose driven!

“May the Lord give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.”  Psalm 20:3

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