As an author, I want to sell more books. I want my fans to read what I write. I want my books to be popular and become Best-Sellers. As a Singer, I want to write songs that people will want to sing along with. I want to turn on the radio and hear myself singing. I want to be a success in the music world. As a Publisher, I want everyone I publish to be successful! I want them out doing what they love, and getting paid! The one thing that we all face, is the fact that most of us lack the money it takes to be able to give up our day job. The question we all want an answer to is: How do we get more sales?
You can pay for advertisements and TV commercials. You could also drop a couple thousand dollars and advertise in your favorite magazine. The possibilities are endless to the amount of ways you could choose to throw your money away. I've been running my company for three years totally debt free, and paid very little in advertising dollars. I admit, I'm at a point where if I expect to grow, I'm going to have to fork out some money to promote, but the point is, I made it three years debt free, no advertising budget, and started out with no money! Yeah, I've heard the old quote as well. "It takes money to make money!" Honestly, that's a load of bull! All you need is an idea to make money!
I started my second business about 2 years into my first business. The first year, I had the idea, and I sold a local business owner on the idea. I would provide for them a need that they were already paying for, and I would give it to them for free! They loved my idea! Yes, the first year was a rough start up since I was doing it debt free, and with no advertising dollars, but I did it! This 2015 year is the second year I've been running this business, and I've provided this product for the local business totally free all year long! I can't even begin to tell you how much money I've saved this local business. Not only did this idea of mine save this company money, I made money, and other businesses all over town made money off of my idea. I did it all debt free with no advertising budget.
Again, all you need to make money is an idea!
Of course, social media played a major roll in my success. On the other hand, my first paying job actually came through a free advertising platform here in my local town. I placed a free ad in a local sales magazine. Taking the time to do this make me $600.00 on my first phone call. Yes, I had to work hard to up hold my end of the deal, but I did it well. As this author grew in success and fame, many newspaper articles were written about his book, and guess who receive free publicity? That's right.!
I've heard it said many times that most new start up companies fail within their first three years. I've beat the statistics! It has not been easy though. Don't quit your day job until you're making enough money to supplement your income. You will probably make mistakes along the way as well, but as long as you earn from your mistakes, these will serve as building blocks for you.
We all measure success differently, but the one thing we all want is more
sales. The answer is not simple. It's not easy, and it won't happen overnight.
However, if you work hard, you can achieve success. To be completely honest
with you, you need to become Omnipresent! You need to be everywhere at the same
time. You need to be on every social media platform you can find, and working
it hard. I’ve heard some people say it’s better to only be on 1 or 2 social
media platforms and run them well, rather than being on 12 and running them all
poorly. While I agree with that knowledge, that is an excuse to fail! Take at
least one day a week to schedule your posts on Facebook. Create multiple pages
on Facebook, and schedule your posts. Go to
and start scheduling your weekly posts for Twitter. Twitter is a very powerful
platform for getting your content in front of your potential customers.
Possibly even someone who would be interested in buying your product or
service. Do some research and start using #Hashtags if you aren’t already.
Since I started using #Hashtags on Twitter, I have gotten tons more response
from my posts.
To Sum it all up, you need to be creating news every day. Don’t wait to be
discovered because that will probably never happen. You must put yourself in
front of those that you want to know you exist. You need to be blogging,
creating YouTube videos, on every stinkin Social Media Platform you can find!
If you spend money an advertising, test the waters, and spend your dollar
wisely! One thing that I have personally had great success with is YouTube ads.
When You Tube plays my video as an ad before another video. You can literally
pin point your video ad to a geographical location on the earth, and YouTube
will make it happen for you. I’m not exaggerating when I say this at all, but
every time I have ever run a major campaign on YouTube, I’ve always had someone
message me, call me, text me, or something to tell me they saw my video ad. You
must be creating content and getting some publicity if you expect people to
know who you are.
It may seem like a stretch, but reach out to your local newspaper, and ask
if you write a column each week on your topic. A little hint: Most local papers
have an opinions section. You can write an Opinion article and submit it for
review. Just be sure to add your Signature. Not your name, but your name,
website, author of “Your Book Title” etc…
Start Making Some Noise! Start Making Some More Money!
Whosoever Press
P.O. Box 1513
Boaz, AL. 35957

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