Sunday, August 5, 2018

Whosoever Press // Book Publishing Companies // Why Choose and Independent Publishing Company Instead of Createspace? Publishing Companies in Alabama (2018)

Why Choose an Independent Publishing Company Instead of Createspace?

Obviously, the publishing industry is changing. I remember growing up as a child in school, and when an author would come read to us, it was a well-known famous author. Those memories are still embedded in my mind like a scene from a good movie. A couple years back, I published a video on my YouTube Channel titled, “I’m Outraged at Self-Publishing Companies. I gave great information in the video, but I ripped off on how there were so many Vanity Press’ taking advantage of people. The video didn’t go viral by no means, but it definitely received a ton of attention. Many of the comments were screaming that I was another Vanity Press, while those who truly valued what I was saying wanted to know more information about my company. So, that got me thinking. Why would an author choose to pay an Independent Publishing Company to print and distribute their book, when the author could just go with Createspace? It would seem that the obvious answer would be Createspace or a similar online print on demand company.
Everyone has an opinion, and they are really good at voicing their opinions, especially when they are negative and disrespectful. Some will shout Vanity Press from the rooftops over a company taking money to publish a book. I’m still in awe that they think it should be free. You can’t go to the grocery store and demand free groceries just because you have an opinion. So what and who cares if your book was a failure? That doesn’t give you the right to discredit others and try to impose your negativity on them. The problem as I see it unfolding is that these naysayers are the ones who were too lazy to build their platforms, and when their books were discontinued, they blamed their publisher. Now that may or may not be the case, but before they start giving their opinions, I would like to see their royalty statements, their marketing plans and their events calendar. They are quick to point and judge, but when it comes down to producing real results, they have nothing to show except their loud mouth and disrespectful comments.
So why would a writer choose to pay to publish with an Independent Publisher vs. going with Createspace? The answer is truly simple. In today’s world of self-publishing, you really don’t need a publisher if…. The “if” is huge. If you have an established platform reaching to millions. If you know how to advertise and understand the techniques of proper marketing and branding. If you have a plan for distributing your book beyond your local bookstore. Of course Createspace will get you registered with Books A Million and Barnes and Noble, but they can’t get your book on the shelf; a publisher can! If you are an established author like Jk Rowling or Stephen King, then you could self-publish based simply on your name. The bare naked truth is if you aren’t someone like C.S. Lewis, Emily Dickinson, JK Rowling or Emily Dickinson, you need someone who can get you some attention. The reason you would choose to pay a publisher in today’s publishing industry is because of their contacts. The contacts of the publisher are what you want. You want to see what kind of memberships they have that will allow you discounts on products or services you are using. A publisher, in most cases has worked hard to grow their company, and along the way, developed many nice contacts in the music industry as well as the film industry. At least we have here at Whosoever Press. Many of our authors have been recognized on national radio and television show, and even one of our authors has made it to CNN news.
Back in 2013, we started working with Desert Wind Studios marketing a film they were working on at the time. Because of the work of Whosoever Press, when the film Premiered, it also premiered here in our local theatre. It was a wonderful experience because it opened a door for our authors to get their books in front of Movie Producers like Steven Camp and Josh Mills. The film Brothers Keeper featured actors and actresses like Daniel Samonas, Robin Lively, Country Music Singer Travis Tritt and so many more. This is why you would choose to pay to have an Independent Publishing Company like Whosoever Press publish your book instead of an online print on demand company.
Do your research and make sure you pay for connections, not necessarily just to be published.   

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The Author Zone is provided by, and serves as a platform to train authors how to promote their books. As a Christian Book Publisher, we want to uphold the values of the scriptures in the Bible. As a Faith Based Publisher, we want to provide our authors with the best possible publishing experience available in the publishing industry. Want to publish your book with us? Call 256-706-3315 for a free publishing consultation.

Whosoever Press // Book Publishing Companies // What You Do Today, Will Keep You Paid Tomorrow

What You Do Today, Will Keep You Paid Tomorrow

Summer of 2016, I was at my parent’s house in West Virginia for a couple weeks. I did what work I could while I was there, but I was limited on what I could do because I didn’t bring any catalogs with me to distribute while I was in town. I decided I would utilize my Facebook page by messaging some businesses about what services I could offer to them. After messaging about 40 to 50 businesses, Facebook restricted me and wouldn’t allow me to message anyone else. Then, I had to get creative. I noticed on the About Page, that many businesses would list their phone numbers and emails. I pulled out a spiral notebook, and I started copying emails and phone numbers for a week straight.
On one side of my company, I work with coffee shops, providing them with custom printed coffee sleeves. I emailed about 900 coffee shops that week, and received very little response. I believe that what I do today, will keep me paid tomorrow. The more I achieve today, the more I’ll have tomorrow. After emailing those 900 coffee shops, it was 6 months later, when I received an email out of the blue requesting more information about my company. Out of 900 emails, we received one client, who we are now printing all of their sleeves every single month. One week worth of work in now producing recurring income every single month. Book Publishing Companies.

I make it a point to introduce myself to multiple new people every single week, because they need to know that my company exists. I grow my business, literally, one business owner at a time. At least 3 days per week, I spend a minimum of 2 hours per day walking into established businesses to introduce myself. While I’m with the owner or manager, I give them a copy of our catalog, so they can see everything that we have to offer. Many times, when I’ve not received an order on site, they call me later to place an order.
You can expect that what you do or don’t do today, will either pay you or not pay you tomorrow. Consistency is the key to long-term success.

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Whosoever Press // Book Publishing Companies // What Candy Bars Taught Me about Growing a Business

What Candy Bars Taught Me about Growing a Business

I can still remember all these years later the taste of those $1.00 King Size candy bars we would sell for fundraisers in Middle School. I would sell every bar in my box time after time. During my Middle School years, I realized how quickly I could make some real cash selling treats to my classmates, so I started robbing the cookie jar at home to sell to the kids at school. I was one of the most successful self-made students in our school. Then, what really made my life change was the day I found a store that would sell the king sized candy bars six for a dollar. Of course, you know what I did. I took the money I had earned from selling the cakes I had robbed from the family cookie jar to buy candy bars. I also took out a small loan from my mom. I had an old box left over from our last fundraiser, so it was super easy for me to load it with candy bars. I literally sold hundreds and hundreds of candy bars until my box fell apart.
 Whosoever Press // Book Publishing Companies I learned at an early age that kids would pay good money for candy. The real lesson was, I learned how to sell. Since discovering my ability to make money, I have never stopped chasing the dollar. To stay afloat in any business, you have to produce a profit and sell tons of product. I remember when a kid would tell me they only had $1.75, but they really wanted two candy bars, I’d let them have a little credit. The next time, they’d owe me $1.25. The thing that I thought was funny though, was I making six times my money back selling candy bars. I could afford to lose a quarter every now and then if they didn’t pay me back. It came up once or twice that a student wouldn’t have the extra quarter or 50 cent, and I would tell them that I would cover them since they had purchased so many from me at regular price. They loved it, and I was still making killer profit.

Nate Fortner, author of "Success Requires Action"

Buy the book here

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Whosoever Press // Book Publishing Companies // Questions You Need To Ask Yourself before Self-Publishing a Book

Questions You Need To Ask Yourself before       
Self-Publishing a Book

1.      Am I willing to work this hard to sell books?
2.      Am I willing to search for distribution options?
3.      What are my goals? Short term? Long term? Today? Tomorrow?
4.      How will I make sure my goals are actually achieved? Step-by-step.
5.      Am I ready to crumble and accept defeat?
6.      Why did I write this book?
7.      Is there a higher purpose for this book, or am I just looking for my 10 minutes of fame?
8.      How do I plan on selling books? Social Media will not produce automatic results.
9.      What is my Author Platform? Am I a speaker? A singer? A Preacher? A Teacher?
10.  Who is my audience? What type of person is interested in what I write?
11.  Have I developed a marketing plan other than social media?
12.  Am I willing to go door-to-door selling my book?
13.  How committed am I, really? Once I haven’t become a best-selling author overnight, will I throw a fit and try to find people to blame?

Success is my choice, and I must accept that my success or failure is 100% my fault.
Success as an author isn’t easy, but it will be easier once you have a game plan established.

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The Author Zone is provided by, and serves as a platform to train authors how to promote their books. As a Christian Book Publisher, we want to uphold the values of the scriptures in the Bible. As a Faith Based Publisher, we want to provide our authors with the best possible publishing experience available in the publishing industry. Want to publish your book with us? Call 256-706-3315 for a free publishing consultation. Book Publishing Companies.

Whosoever Press // Book Publishing Companies // Knowing These 9 Secrets Will Make Your Self-Published Book Look Amazing

Knowing These 9 Secrets Will Make Your Self-Published Book Look Amazing

First of all, the stigma is that self-published books are garbage books. I was once ridiculed on a phone call by a traditionally published author for giving bad writers hope. Self-publishing your book can save you a ton of money if you know what you’re doing. You must realize up front though, that you won’t have the support of a publisher, unless you publish through a self-publishing company.
1.     Professional Cover Design $300.00
2.     Have your friends proof read your book in exchange for an autographed copy.
3.     Hire a good, but cheap Editor for your book from
4.     Have bookmarks printed from and mail them to bookstores and libraries six weeks before your official release date promoting that people can pre-order from your website.
5.     Stop by your local newspaper company after your book is printed, and ask to speak with someone about doing a Press Release. Tell that reporter everything about you and your book. A Press Release is free and will really make you look like a somebody in your community.
6.     Need distribution for your book? Reach out to Brian Jud at The Association of Publishers for Special Sales. The website is: Tell them Nate Fortner sent you. They have over 60,000 Sales Reps pitching your book to their buyers.
7.     Have a video book trailer made for you book, and upload it to YouTube. Share your trailer all over social media.
8.     Read your book out loud, recording yourself on your computer. Use an audio editor like to clean it up. Then, burn it to a CD to sell at your events. You now have an audio book. You can also upload it to and make it available for purchase on,, and 
9.     Set up a booth at local festivals and flea markets promoting your book. You will be seen by hundreds and even thousands of people each week. Make sure you have printed flyers to hand out to every single person you speak to about your book. You never know how many people may purchase it later.

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The Author Zone is provided by, and serves as a platform to train authors how to promote their books. As a Christian Book Publisher, we want to uphold the values of the scriptures in the Bible. As a Faith Based Publisher, we want to provide our authors with the best possible publishing experience available in the publishing industry. Want to publish your book with us? Call 256-706-3315 for a free publishing consultation.

Whosoever Press // Book Publishing Companies // How Content Marketing Can Make You Invincible

How Content Marketing Can Make You Invincible

Since 2012, I have grown my company Whosoever Press with a zero dollar advertising budget. I have had to rely upon the concept of “Free” to accomplish results in advertising and marketing. In 2015, I discovered Content Marketing, and how it could help me grow my business for free.
Content can be digital or physically printed items. Content consists of writing and publishing articles online on a blog or forum. Also, YouTube videos are a form of Content Marketing. Creating digital memes to share across social media platforms is another way of creating digital content. Any kind of digital content is tracked and ranked by Google in their search results. For an easier experience with memes, make sure you add your website and company name on the image. You can also print hashtags on the image. I would suggest placing the hashtags at the bottom of the image here they won’t be in the way of your main image. When you share these images in your blog posts, websites and social media accounts, Google will track and collect your images and tag them to your company name. Now when someone searches your company name, your images will appear. While this is great for building your online presence, you want your content to not only show up under your name in search results, but also under the category for your type of business. For example, Whosoever Press is a self-publishing company, and so when writers start searching for a publisher online, we want our company to show up in the search results.

I write an article every day. That article then becomes a YouTube video that I later convert to an audio podcast. That podcast then becomes an episode on my syndicated radio show. With every article I write, I also create a digital meme for marketing use across my social media platforms. One article that took me 15 minutes to write has become five different pieces of digital content. Say I take that same article and include it in my next book. I have now made six pieces of content from one article. What if I publish the article in a local newspaper or magazine? What makes it even better is that Google will track and rank each of these pieces of digital content. I once wrote an article on Partnership Marketing, and within just a few days, it was showing up on the first page of the Google search results.
Online content properly tagged with the correct keywords, becomes free online advertising for you and your company. This is called SEO or search engine optimization. The biggest problem any business will ever face is obscurity. No one knows who you are. You need to think in God-sized proportions when it comes to advertising. You have to focus on becoming omnipresent. You must be everywhere at once. Instead of spending thousands of dollars advertising your business, you should be focusing on producing content. Another form of content is simply designing and printing flyers to distribute door to door in your town. I personally keep a list of all the festivals going on in our state and the surrounding states. I personally travel and hand out thousands of promotional flyers every month promoting my company. Producing and distributing enough content, could make your company invincible.    

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Whosoever Press // Book Publishing Companies // Are You Getting A Response From Your Blog?

Are You Getting A Response From Your Blog?

As nice as it makes me feel to receive positive feedback on my blog from readers, I know that in the long run, Google is building a data base under my name, which will later convert to sales, if I stay consistent. I've learned over the past few years, that a blog isn't necessarily for immediate attention. Long-lasting success is built one project at a time. You can't build a house, without first laying the foundation, and you certainly can't build a wall of protection around your house without laying down the first stone. A blog is kind of the same way. One, two, or even 10 blog posts, more than likely aren't going to produce the sales results you were hoping to receive. Instead of focusing on the short term of getting sales, focus on the long term of building quality links under your name and genre in the Google results.                                           

As I've stated many times, when I started Whosoever Press, I didn't take out a loan from a bank. I didn't borrow money from family members or friends. For the first five years of the company, I didn't have an advertising budget. I built this company from the ground up using Content Marketing. Writing and publishing a blog is Content. Anything you can create and distribute is Content Marketing. Whether you use Digital Marketing online or physical printed products like bookmarks, flyers, banners, etc.., that is Content Marketing.

Content Marketing will always outlast TV and radio commercials. Have you ever heard the saying not to put anything on the internet that you don't want everyone to know about? Perfect example, a few years back when cell phones really exploded all across the word, young teenage kids and some very ignorant adults were sending inappropriate images of themselves to their boyfriends and girlfriends. Once their relationships came to an abrupt end, guess what happened to those pictures? Exactly! Their ex posted them on the internet for everyone to see. The point of the story is this: Many of this images can still be accessed online. Once it's there, it's there! That's why I like Content Marketing! When you post an image on your website or blog, Google links it to your name or the subject you are discussing in your blog. Later, when people are searching your name or the topic you write about, your content has a good chance of showing up on the results page.

I once wrote a blog post on how I felt about Network Marketing. Within two days, the article was appearing on the first page of the Google results for Network Marketing.

What's the point?
Keep posting content online, even if you don't see results right away. Overtime, you will begin to notice an increase in sales all the way around as more people will begin to find you in the Google results. Don't forget about YouTube either. Videos are content.

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The Author Zone is provided by, and serves as a platform to train authors how to promote their books. As a Christian Book Publisher, we want to uphold the values of the scriptures in the Bible. As a Faith Based Publisher, we want to provide our authors with the best possible publishing experience available in the publishing industry. Want to publish your book with us? Call 256-706-3315 for a free publishing consultation.

Whosoever Press // Book Publishing Companies // Why It Does Not Take Money to Make Money

Why It Does Not Take Money to Make Money
Nate Fortner

As far back as I can remember, I’ve always tried to think of new ways to make a dollar. As early as Middle School, I would rob our cookie jar at home to sell cookies and Little Debbie’s to the kids in class. Once I learned that money could get me what I wanted, I tried to get all I could.
One time, I did a school fundraiser selling candy bars, but when the sale was over, I kept the box. I would buy the King-sized candy bars from the local grocery store in bulk to refill my box. I continued selling candy bars until my box fell apart. I would buy candy bars, sometimes 6 for only $1.00, and resale them for $1.00 each. I was undoubtedly the richest self-made kid in Middle School.
Now, as an adult, I still look for opportunities to make a dollar in every deal. Over the years, I’ve been turned off by the phrase, “It takes money to make money.” That is the biggest lie I’ve ever heard. I’ve grown my company with no money in the advertising budget. My very first book deal was completely paid for, and I made a profit. The truth is, all you need to make money is an idea, and the know-how to pull it off. Book Publishing Companies.
My most recent idea was to allow people to use my publishing platform to print their own customized journals. I created a basic template, and they send me their favorite picture. For only $10.00, they get their picture on the full color cover, and 100 lined pages front and back for writing. I even print their favorite Bible verse or quote at the bottom of each page. This idea has begun to be a great money maker for my company. Not only have individuals done this, but local businesses are now taking advantage of the offer. Now they are selling their own personalized journals in their stores.
It doesn’t take money to make money. You just need to sell other people on your idea, and get them to write the check!
What did it cost me out of pocket to do this?
Absolutely Nothing!

Nate Fortner, Author of “Success Requires Action”

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Whosoever Press // Book Publishing Companies // 9 Helpful Tips to Overcoming Procrastination [That Actually Work!] (2018)

9 Helpful Tips to Overcoming Procrastination
Nate Fortner

Guilty as charged! Over the past three years, I’ve come to realize that one of my major downfalls is procrastination. Whether it’s going to the grocery store or finishing a project for a client, I tend to find myself busy doing things I don’t need to do in order to avoid doing the things I’m actually supposed to be doing. Procrastination will destroy you if you don’t conquer and destroy it first.
Why is it that we procrastinate? Is it a lack of Willpower, or is there another reason? Perhaps the fear of failure or even success could be holding you back. There’s plenty of time, or maybe your office is so disorganized that you can’t concentrate?
There are more reasons than I have space to type, but I do want to help you to overcome your issue of procrastination, so listed below are  9  helpful tips to overcoming procrastination!
1.      Remind yourself daily why you must succeed in life.
2.      Write or type your goals, and post them around your house, office, car or anywhere you will constantly see them. Post-it notes also work well.
3.      Encourage yourself by listening to your favorite motivational speaker.
4.      Take a walk in the park near your house to regather your thoughts.
5.      Develop a support team with which you meet with at least once monthly.
6.      Develop a regular exercise program to help keep your body healthy. This will also relieve stress levels, helping you stay focused.
7.      Keep a To-Do-List
8.      Set time boundaries for your goals.
9.      Focus on completing one task at a time.
Continue to encourage yourself each day, knowing that success awaits you. Tell yourself: This isn’t that hard, it will be over before I know it, I can do this, or I can learn as I go. Remember, the payoff will always be worth the effort and energy you put into the project. When I finish a project, or see one of my ideas come to life, I get really excited. It gives me that feeling of accomplishment. 

Nate Fortner, Author of “Success Requires Action”

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Whosoever Press // Book Publishing Companies // 3 Reasons Why Most Self-Published Books Fail

3 Reasons Why Most Self-Published Books Fail

Have you considered Self Publishing your own book? Maybe you already have, and you’re frustrated because it’s not selling. I’m going to show you the three main reasons why your book isn’t selling, and I’m going to teach you how to turn your book sales upside down.

The #1 reason why your book isn’t selling is because not enough people know it exists!
You must gain attention for your book. You can’t write a book, and expect it to start flying off of store shelves without the proper support. You have to let people know that your book is available for purchase, and highlight points of interest. Show them how the knowledge in your book will change their lives.

The #2 reason why your book isn’t selling is because your lack of motivation!
Just admit the fact that you aren’t motivated enough. You probably started out well, but soon as you faced negativity from someone, you started backing off. You must stay motivated, and focused on creating success for your book.

The #3 reason why your book isn’t selling is a lack of money to market and promote.
You need money to advertise your book to the world. Whether you’re on a limited income, or you work a full-time job, you need advertising money.
I’m going to teach you everything you need to know about marketing and promoting in my new book “Success Requires Action.”
Get the digital copy now at for only $10.00. The paperback will be $19.99 when it’s released.
Commit to your success, and learn what I teach. Better yet, learn to apply what I teach!

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The Author Zone is provided by, and serves as a platform to train authors how to promote their books. As a Christian Book Publisher, we want to uphold the values of the scriptures in the Bible. As a Faith Based Publisher, we want to provide our authors with the best possible publishing experience available in the publishing industry. Want to publish your book with us? Call 256-706-3315 for a free publishing consultation.