Sunday, August 5, 2018

Whosoever Press // Book Publishing Companies // Why It Does Not Take Money to Make Money

Why It Does Not Take Money to Make Money
Nate Fortner

As far back as I can remember, I’ve always tried to think of new ways to make a dollar. As early as Middle School, I would rob our cookie jar at home to sell cookies and Little Debbie’s to the kids in class. Once I learned that money could get me what I wanted, I tried to get all I could.
One time, I did a school fundraiser selling candy bars, but when the sale was over, I kept the box. I would buy the King-sized candy bars from the local grocery store in bulk to refill my box. I continued selling candy bars until my box fell apart. I would buy candy bars, sometimes 6 for only $1.00, and resale them for $1.00 each. I was undoubtedly the richest self-made kid in Middle School.
Now, as an adult, I still look for opportunities to make a dollar in every deal. Over the years, I’ve been turned off by the phrase, “It takes money to make money.” That is the biggest lie I’ve ever heard. I’ve grown my company with no money in the advertising budget. My very first book deal was completely paid for, and I made a profit. The truth is, all you need to make money is an idea, and the know-how to pull it off. Book Publishing Companies.
My most recent idea was to allow people to use my publishing platform to print their own customized journals. I created a basic template, and they send me their favorite picture. For only $10.00, they get their picture on the full color cover, and 100 lined pages front and back for writing. I even print their favorite Bible verse or quote at the bottom of each page. This idea has begun to be a great money maker for my company. Not only have individuals done this, but local businesses are now taking advantage of the offer. Now they are selling their own personalized journals in their stores.
It doesn’t take money to make money. You just need to sell other people on your idea, and get them to write the check!
What did it cost me out of pocket to do this?
Absolutely Nothing!

Nate Fortner, Author of “Success Requires Action”

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