Get back to the basics of offline marketing and advertising
By: Nate Fortner Updated on 8/31/2021
Before the days of the internet, our world seemed much bigger. Do you remember the days before Facebook and Twitter when we actually went out door to door to advertise our offers? I remember as a child when all the vacuum cleaning salesmen would come knocking. Where has this gone? One such example is hanging up flyers around town. Here's a list of a few places where you can hang flyers to help you get back to the basics:
1. Subway Stations
2. School Offices
3. Senior Citizen Centers
4. College dormitories- hallways and restrooms
5. Churches
6. Local community clubs and organizations
7. Laundry mats
8. Apartment buildings
9. Telephone poles- especially a day or two before large city events
10. Community activity centers
11. Grocery stores bulletin boards
12. Shopping malls
13. Car Washes
14. Hotel lobbies
15. Doctors offices
16. Gas station counters
17. Public Libraries
18. Your local Chamber of Commerce
19. Waiting rooms at car repair and tire shops
20. Highway rest areas
21. Banks
Get full-color flyers printed from:
NateX Marketing Solutions
Albertville, AL.
Albertville, AL.