Overnight Success As A Writer
Is writing your hobby or passion? Do you see yourself as a writer by profession? These are very interesting questions that people who are interested in writing can answer. If you are the type of person who always wrote stuff in your diary, pieces of paper, tissue paper, or any writing material, just to get your thoughts out, then you might be a writer in the making. Becoming a writer is not an easy task. There are many successful writers who have taken years to polish their crafts and may not be getting their “big breaks.” It is a daunting task, but it will give you the highest satisfaction in life if you fulfill your lifelong dream of being a writer. Getting there will be the hard part. There many aspiring writers out there, which makes for healthy competition. Getting published is the ultimate validation of a writer and having your books read by people is the fulfillment of that dream. Many famous writers never imagined the magnitude of their words on people who are reading their books and the impact those words have on the lives of their readers. Some of them scribbled their thoughts on scraps of paper or even pieces of tissue paper while drinking tea in a cafĂ© or while traveling on a train home. They never thought that their creation would ever reach the farthest places on earth, but it did. Their thoughts did fly out, and it reach millions of people. Their works of art inspired and sparked something in people from around the world. Their daily musings about life were shared by millions, and these musings turned into famous quotes and inspirational texts that many are using.
No one can ever say what your words can do unless you put them on paper. Yes, you can give inspirational talks and speeches, but you also need to etch them on paper so you can pass them on to others. Many speeches and well-said talks began with writing and these words became famous because they made available in print form.
So, if you are a person who has ideas and thoughts bursting from your head, write it on something and keep writing. If you want to know how to become an overnight success, then read, read, read and learn a thing or two about the world of written words.
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