Nate Fortner
Get a website. You need to
have one as an author and preferably you should have a separate one
for each book. Web hosting is cheap. If you are the do-it yourself
type, you can get a single shared hosting plan and host multiple
websites under the same plan.
If you do not have website
coding skills, you can easily find somebody. I recommend finding a
local web development company. You can also find individuals at
Meetups in your area. If you can’t do that or you are REALLY on a
tight budget you can find freelancers online. The quality of site you
will get is mixed and good communication important. Remember that not
all of them write and read as well as you. Their skills are in
computers, not communications. The cheap ones will barely speak any
What are some of the things
that need to be on your website?
You need a biography,
preferably with a picture.
You need information about
your books.
You need a calendar of events
for your book promotions (if you are running any).
You need links to your
Facebook and Twitter pages.
You need a blog or a link to
your blog. This is the topic of the next chapter.
And you need a way to build
your email list.
Let’s focus on that last
How do you do that? Sign up
for a list service. I recommend Mail Chimp. Sign up instructions are
on their site. They are one of the easiest to use and integrate into
your website. An email list provider will make sure you stay on the
right side of Spam rules. Have you ever had to click a confirmation
link to confirm you want to be on somebody’s email list? That is
the doing of the list provider.
You want to keep in touch with
your fans. An email list is the way to do it. Not everybody is on
every social media account. Some people aren’t on social media at
all. Almost everybody in the world has at least one email account.
Now what do you do with your
email list? An email list is long-term marketing. I am fond of saying
that you can’t eat an email list. However, you aren’t just
stopping with one book, are you? You want to be able to market all of
your books to your audience. After all, if they liked one then they
are more likely to like the others.
Are the people on your email
list knowledgeable marketers? Maybe some of them are? If you are
selling you book on Amazon (and you certainly should be) then remind
your readers that if they promote your book through the Amazon
Affiliate program, they can earn a percentage of the sales they drive
your way.
They get money. You get money
and readers. Everybody wins.
What else should you have on
your website?
It goes without saying, that
you should have links to where you can buy your books. Somehow, this
is not addressed as it should be. If you are selling on Amazon, make
sure the links are affiliate links so that you can earn a little
extra from each sale. Amazon explicitly allows this.
Buy the full ebook! "Book Marketing In the 21st Century"
Whosoever Press
P.O. Box 1513
Boaz, AL. 35957
Whosoever Press
P.O. Box 1513
Boaz, AL. 35957

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