Monday, January 18, 2016

Whosoever Press // Book Publishing Companies // Why All the Crappy Books? - Publishing Companies in Alabama

Why All the Crappy Books?

Nate Fortner Publishing Companies in Alabama, So many of the marketing and advertising books I’ve read, all teach the same techniques. Why is it that people think they can keep recycling garbage that doesn’t work? Out of all the books in the world, where are all the good ones? When I read a book, I want quality information that I can apply to my life, my situation, or day right then. I want a book that provides me with websites, phone numbers, emails, addresses and strategies.

I’ve got two books that I’d like to recommend that have changed my life. The first is “Free Marketing,” 101 Low and No-Cost ways to Grow Your Business Online and Off by Jim Cockrum. This book made me feel like a kid in a candy store. Every turn of the page, I was learning something new. Each chapter provided me with valuable websites, stats, people to contact, and so on. It was the perfect book. I contribute much of my business success over the past three years to “Free Marketing.”

The second book I’d like to recommend is “The 10X Rule” by New York Times Bestselling Author, international sales expert, sales trainer, and motivational speaker, Grant Cardone. As the cover states, “The only difference between success and failure,” is the 10X Rule. I came across Grant Cardone for the first time in December of 2014, while searching for Zig Ziglar videos on YouTube.

At first, I was turned off by Grant’s foul language in his videos. I couldn’t believe this guy had such intelligence and yet had such a poor vocabulary. While I was turned off by his foul language, I was very quickly excited by his wisdom. The guy was just spewing knowledge all over my computer screen. For the next few weeks, I ate, drank, watched, listened, and devoured any and all content by Grant Cardone. I was visiting my family in the mountains of West Virginia that Christmas, and I knew I had to have more of Grant Cardone. I went straight to the mall to purchase his book, “The 10X Rule.”

Needless to say, Grant Cardone has been a huge business inspiration to me this year. I’ve doubled my income this year since I started following Grant online. This upcoming year, my company will more than double its income because of the teachings of Grant Cardone.
Nate Fortner, Author of "Book Marketing in the 21st Century," and "How To Be A Successful Writer Overnight."

Whosoever Press - Publishing Companies in Alabama
10749 AL HWY 168
Boaz, AL. 35957

The Author Zone is provided by, and serves as a platform to train authors how to promote their books. As a Christian Book Publisher, we want to uphold the values of the scriptures in the Bible. As a Faith Based Publisher, we want to provide our authors with the best possible publishing experience available in the publishing industry. Want to publish your book with us? Call 256-706-3315 for a free publishing consultation.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

How Can People Subscribe To My Blog on Blogger? - Publishing Companies in Alabama

How Can People Subscribe to my Blog on
Nate Fortner Publishing Companies in Alabama, I've been searching for a while now, how to allow people to be able to subscribe to my blog posts on I eventually came to the conclusion that it wasn't going to happen until I discovered a trick using a free email marketing service called Check out the video below and get your mind blown as you see for the first time how people can subscribe to your blog on

Whosoever Press - Publishing Companies in Alabama
P.O. Box 1513
Boaz, AL. 35957

Monday, January 11, 2016

How Can I Turn My Paperback Book Into an Audio Book? - Publishing Companies in Alabama

How Can I Turn My Paperback Book Into an Audio Book?

Nate Fortner Publishing Companies in Boaz Alabama, It’s obvious we are living in different times than we were twenty years ago. Technology has mad advancements beyond what many of our minds can comprehend. It seems to me that soon as I learn to use one piece of technology, something new is created to replace my current program. We are living in an ever-evolving world, and we must learn to adapt if we want to survive.

People are busier now more than ever before in history. The average person reads only one book per year. Who has time to read anyway? By time we get home from work, fight with the kids, and eat supper, it’s time for bed. We simply need more time. Don’t you agree?

As Authors, if we want people engaging with our content, we must provide it in a way they can use. Times are only going to get busier, and let’s face it, you need an audio book! What time I don’t have to sit and read a book, I do have 30 minutes on the way to and from work every day to listen to an audio book. That’s 60 minutes of my time that I’m trapped in my truck that I could be listening to your content.

If you want people actively reading your material, you must make it available on a platform they can use in the midst of their busy schedule. By creating an audio book, you just helped someone create more time in their day to drown themselves in your content.

Want to create your very own audio book?

Your book will be made available on, iTunes, and the big one is This is an owned company, so you can rest assured it’s a great platform.

Nate Fortner, Author of “BookMarketing in the 21st Century,” and “How To Be A Successful Writer Overnight.”

Whosoever Press - Publishing Companies in Alabama
10749 AL HWY 168
Boaz, AL. 35957

The Author Zone is provided by, and serves as a platform to train authors how to promote their books. As a Christian Book Publisher, we want to uphold the values of the scriptures in the Bible. As a Faith Based Publisher, we want to provide our authors with the best possible publishing experience available in the publishing industry. Want to publish your book with us? Call 256-706-3315 for a free publishing consultation.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

How Do I Purchase a Library of Congress Number For My Book? - Publishing Companies in Boaz Alabama

How Do I Purchase a Library of Congress Number For My Book?
Nate Fortner Boaz Alabama Publishing Company, Obtaining an LOC# for your book is quite easy. The LOC# is issued prior to publication, and is for books intended for distribution to libraries. It’s called the Preassigned Control Number (PCN) and may be requested simply by visiting You will be required to create an account, which is easy. Then, you simply request the LOC# (PCN#) by submitting the one-page application. Typically your number will arrive in your email inbox within ten days, but usually only takes a couple of days. Make sure you or your Publisher places the Library of Congress # on the Copyright page of your book. Once the book is printed, one complimentary copy needs to be mailed to the Library of Congress.
Library of Congress
US Programs, Law, and Literature Division
Cataloging in Publication Program
100 Independence Avenues, S.E.
Washington, DC. 20540-4283
There are no fees for participating in the PCN program. The LOC# is FREE! While all books aren’t eligible for the program, you can find out if your book qualifies by visiting the PCN website.
 Nate Fortner, Author of “Book Marketing in the 21st Century,” and “How To Be A Successful Writer Overnight.”

Whosoever Press - Publishing Companies in Alabama
P.O. Box 1513
Boaz, AL. 35957
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Monday, January 4, 2016

How Do I Get An ISBN For My Book? - Publishing Companies in Alabama

How Do I Get An ISBN For My Book?

Nate Fortner Boaz Alabama, ISBN stands for The International Standard Book Number. It’s a 13-digit number that identifies your book and publisher. If you’re going to be selling your book through a distribution chain, then you need an ISBN. If you’re just going to hand it out to your family and friends, then don’t waste your money purchasing an ISBN.

To purchase an ISBN, visit The cost for a single ISBN is $125.00 or you may purchase a block of ten for $295.00. If you’re a large Publishing House, then you may want to purchase a block of 1,000 ISBN’s for a rate of only $1.00 each.

You will also need a barcode for your book, which is a separate cost of $25.00. The barcode can also be purchased from the website. The bar code is what stores use to scan the book at the time of purchase. It’s important to note that if you’re publishing with a well-established publishing house, then they will purchase the ISBN and bar code for you.

Nate Fortner, Author of "Book Marketing in the 21st Century," and "How To Be A Successful Writer Overnight."

Whosoever Press - Publishing Companies in Alabama
10749 AL HWY 168
Boaz, AL. 35957

The Author Zone is provided by, and serves as a platform to train authors how to promote their books. As a Christian Book Publisher, we want to uphold the values of the scriptures in the Bible. As a Faith Based Publisher, we want to provide our authors with the best possible publishing experience available in the publishing industry. Want to publish your book with us? Call 256-706-3315 for a free publishing consultation.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Top 3 Free Marketing Avenues for Authors - Publishing Companies in Alabama

Top 3 Free Marketing Avenues for Authors

Nate Fortner

As a Publisher, I constantly have authors asking how they can better promote their books. I honestly wish there was a miracle answer, but there’s not. However, I do have three avenues of marketing that I want to discuss with you. I recently spoke with a business owner who is currently worth about $900,000,000. I asked, “What is the #1 thing that you’ve done in business that has helped you to get the most massive amounts of attention?”His answer was, “Definitely learning to hammer every social media platform.” You’re probably thinking you don’t have time to be on all these social media platforms and run your business, right? The truth is, if you want massive attention, you need to provide massive amounts of content!

The top 3 Free Marketing Avenues Are:

1.     Blogs

2.     Video

3.     Social Media

Blog Marketing

What is a blog?

A blog is a website or web page that is updated by an individual or small group that post articles on a specific topic.

We all know that Google loves fresh quality content. Right now, some of my previous blog posts are showing up on the first page of Google search results. This is where you need your content being displayed. When you can provide quality content on a regular basis, you become a valuable source of information. Be sure that you’re providing solutions to problems in your blog posts. Honestly, no one cares what color your shoes are. They want to know where they can buy a pair for themselves.

Quality Content - hinges on the truth. Don’t spread false information, or you could be blacklisted by those who just read your article. Then, guess whose article will be passed over next time they search for content? Content is king!

Frequency- Develop a schedule for when your articles will post on your blog and be consistent. Posting once a month will never produce the results you’re searching for in return. At first, I know it can be daunting for some to constantly be coming up with new content, but keep brainstorming for topics. The more you post, the more Google will have to work with, ultimately helping you to be discovered. I would suggest posting at least once a week. If you’re ready to roll, post once or twice per week. One of my authors, Christy Smith, Author of “Forever and Always” is a Historical Romance author. I understand, she can only post so much about her novella, but what I suggested to her was to start writing either historical or romance articles. Writing like this, she will never run out of material, and she could always find a creative twist to add a plug for her book.

Keywords - Figure out what the main topics are in your article. Those words or phrases are your key words and key phrases. If you’re posting on, these are called labels. This is where we get into SEO, short for Search Engine Optimization. These are the words or phrases that others will be searching for on Google. When you have these words selected as your keywords or labels, then guess whose article is going to have a better chance of showing up?

For more ideas on Blogging, visit:

“Quality content in the hands of your prospect produces sales.”

~Nate Fortner

Video Marketing

Videos can find their way into the eyes of your target market if you do it right. Producing great video content can make your content go viral. Of course, when you hear of a video that has gone viral, it’s usually something so cool that people just can’t seem to get enough. Sometimes, viral just happens.

What is viral?

Think in terms of sickness or disease. It can be viral and affect the entire body. For your video to be viral, it needs to be infecting the internet like the plague. Your content needs to be contagious!

The same principles that apply to blogs, also apply to videos.

1.     Quality Content

2.     Frequency

3.     Keywords

You need hundreds of videos going out all over the internet. You should be uploading videos on YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and all other social media platforms. If you're a YouTube Partner, and you're videos are monetized, I'd upload the videos to YouTube first. Then, share it around the web from your YouTube Channel. 

“You need massive attention everywhere, not a massive billboard somewhere.”

~Nate Fortner

Social Media Marketing

What is Social Media?

According to Google, Social Media is websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.

Let’s break it down a little more.

What does it mean to be social?

Being social is basically gathering together as a group or organization and communicating with each other. Being social could mean going to church, a party, a club, or any other place where people are gathering to hang out.

What is Media?

According to Google, media is the main means of mass communication (especially television, radio, newspaper, and the internet).

Now, what is social media?

Social Media according to Nate is any place online where people are gathering to share content. This includes pictures, videos, articles written on blogs, or even audio podcasts.

If you plan to be heard, and get the news out about your book, you must learn to use Social Media. Social Media can instantly allow you to travel the world without even leaving your house.

“Success has been written in the stars, only for those willing to shoot that high.”

~Nate Fortner

Whosoever Press - Publishing Companies in Alabama
10749 AL HWY 168
Boaz, AL. 35957
The Author Zone is provided by, and serves as a platform to train authors how to promote their books. As a Christian Book Publisher, we want to uphold the values of the scriptures in the Bible. As a Faith Based Publisher, we want to provide our authors with the best possible publishing experience available in the publishing industry. Want to publish your book with us? Call 256-706-3315 for a free publishing consultation.